[1] Invitation to performance/installation; [2] …

A Gourmet Experience

Installation with readings from cookbooks pertaining to the items on the menu performed by an ensemble; table, chairs, dishes, slide projections, script, video, sound, and thirteen large-scale prints of A Budding gourmet, food novel 1, food novel 2, food novel 3

A Gourmet Experience was one of Rosler's earliest installations, constituting her master of fine arts thesis exhibition. Rosler sent out engraved invitations and had people read to the crowd from some of the foreign-cuisine cookbooks in appropriate accents, among other things. Rosler has re-created the work in several gallery and museum settings: A grand table is set for a feast with candles, flowers, and elegant napery and cutlery. Projections display splendid dishes from around the world, as well as images of the people who produce foodstuffs, with a soundtrack of recited recipes and cookbook recipes. The meal, however, never takes place.

This installation was exhibited at the Art Gallery Humanities Gallery, University of California, San Diego in 1974.

It was restaged at Nederlands Foto Instituut, Rotterdam (2000); Palais Delphinal, Saint-Donat-sur-l'Herbasse/Drome, France (2008); and Artissima, Turin (2010).